July 18th, 2008 12pm= Freedom!
I graduated from Seattle University with a Masters in Teaching on Friday. I also earned my teachers certificate so now I can say "I is a real teacher now". LOL! A lot of people are surprised to find out that this Masters program is only a year, but that is typical for an MIT degree, as long as you are going full-time.
Now I have the joy of finding a teaching job. I have applied to Mukilteo and Everett and will apply to Edmonds shortly. So I'm looking for something in the area. Getting a teaching job, interestingly enough, is very competative, despite the pay (WA state is nationally 48th in Teacher Pay). Believe it or not folks, this chick is actually going to set up shop, get rooted and stay home in the U.S. (for now). I had a job interview with Everett last week, to be hired into a pool of teachers, but later learned that I didn't get in. This bummed me out until I remembered that I didn't really want to live in Everett anyway. I'd rather be closer to home.
Student teaching was one of the toughest things I've ever done. It was right up there with my Peace Corps experience...challenging, frustrating and also rewarding. My biggest challenge was behavior management, and I learned A LOT, so I'm feeling better prepared for my first year of teaching this fall
It doesn't really feel like I'm done with school. It seems like I should be writing a paper, reading a textbook or cramming for a test or something! I think it will hit me slowly during this next week.
Also, I spoke at a Peace Corps informational session on Saturday and it went really well. It actually got me nostalgic for Macedonia. It also reminded me that I need to write to my host family...
(By the way, anyone notice that Kosovo followed Montenegro and gained independence from Serbia in February? This is an area of the world to keep an eye on! Never a dull moment)
Hope you are all enjoying your summer! I'll try to get somewhat caught up with this blog before I start teaching and then you'll really think I fell off the face of the earth...