Saturday, September 27, 2008


Finally! After one month I have been cleared to start subbing in the Edmonds School District. I've been waiting (im)patiently for my paperwork to get processed and jumping through hoops so I can get in the classroom and get some income flowing in. I've also applied to sub in the Mukilteo school district, but they hire in waves and the next round isn't until next month. As of right now, I am set to start subbing on Wednesday, Oct 1st. I have a few leads on some long term subbing positions (also called Leave Replacements), so I'm hopeful that something like that will work out in the near future (otherwise I'm SOL when it comes to health insurance with my job).

Speaking of income, I am continuing to sell PartyLite candles. Contact me for more info if you are interested or have questions.

I told someone the other day, "You know, for someone who is unemployed, I'm pretty busy!" I have been looking online, applying for job openings and have not had more job interviews, which has been frustrating. I've probably applied or sent letters of interest to over 30 job openings (I would count how many, out of curiosity, but I think it would just depress me). I've expanded my job search, looking into jobs that would require a further commute. I've networked like crazy. Now, my latest thing is that I've started a support group for SU MIT grads that do not have full time teaching jobs and I call it, "Jobless in Seattle". There's been a decent response, enough people to have a group. We have our second meeting this week.

BTW, many people have asked me about teaching abroad at an International school, which would seem like an obvious choice for me, given my history. So, here is my answer...

Yes, I would love to, but now is not the time.

First of all, I'm broke and in debt. Second of all, I've gotten burned out from living abroad and Lastly, my family needs me (insert collective "awwww"). Now that both my siblings have moved away, the tables have turned. I am now the only kid left and I have missed my family (and friends, and my favorite city in the world) very much over the years. Now is the time for me to be home.

However, the nice thing about being a teacher is that I get summers off (from teaching, I'll still be working of course). So have no fear, my travels are not over. They will just look different in the future. And I do plan to teach abroad again, sometime in my career. Who knows when.

But, in case you're interested...I have plans to go to Japan next summer for a wedding.

For now, my next adventure is Substitute Teaching. Stay Tuned!!!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Now that I have the degree, what to do with it?

Since graduating, I've been very busy! I've applied to 7 school districts all north of Seattle, helped my sister and brother in law pack up for their move to Indiana (he got accepted to Purdue, full ride, to get his PhD in Chemistry Education) and even managed to take a few short vacations.

Now it's 4 days after the beginning of school and I still don't have a job! I'm trying not to get discouraged. I've had two job interviews, but no job yet. It's a tough market right now and very competitive. There are more teachers than their are jobs, school budgets are tight, less teachers are retiring than expected and they say that it is all due to funding issues and the economy. For every job opening there is, I've heard there is anywhere from 70-100 or more applicants. Like I said, it's competitive! I've sent in my paperwork to substitute teach in Edmonds and waiting for them to process the paperwork so I can start!

My best bet for getting my foot in the door is taking any kind of teaching job that I can get, whether it is part time, long term subbing, what have you.

Since school started I've been volunteering and observing at Beverely Elementary in Lynnwood. There's a good chance that I will be able to get into a long term sub position this fall. Keep your fingers crossed!