Sunday, November 25, 2007

Fast Forward 5 months...

I've been reminded by a few people that I am woefully behind in my updates. Those of you who know me personally know that I am now in the midst of a new adventure called graduate school. I am currently in the Masters in Teaching program at Seattle University, and loving it. Despite having to work and study very hard and trying to balance work and school and a personal life, things are going great. I started in September and will graduate summer 2008 with a teachers certificate and my Masters. I want to teach 5th grade somewhere in the greater Seattle area.

I am thrilled to think that starting in September of 2008 I'll have my own classroom. It is exciting and terrifying at the same time, but the Seattle U program is so great, I expect I'll be prepared when that time comes. I plan to do my student teaching in Edmonds with an experienced teacher.

It is hard to believe that almost a year ago I was in Macedonia getting ready to go on my trip to Tanzania. Although I had no idea what trouble lay ahead for me, and the challenges that I had to overcome, I am very grateful for how everything worked out.

Thanks to everyone for their support!

P.S. Since school keeps me so busy, I've been unable to get caught up with my posts about Tanzania, Macedonia, Romania and my sister's wedding. Well, they all went really well and were all amazing adventures. I hope to be able to include some more posts (with pictures) during my Christmas break. Stay tuned!