I finally got cable TV last Thursday, just in time for the Superbowl! I was happily surprised that the Superbowl (Seattle Seahawks vs. Pittsburgh Steelers) was televised over here! I'm not a fan of American football, but since this is the first time my hometeam has ever gone to the SB and I'd never actually watched the event before I decided to watch the game. It was televised live from midnight to 4AM. It was disappointing the Hawks didn't win...
Last weekend I went to Tetovo, a city about 45 minutes west of Skopje. I met up with a bunch of other PCV's for a joint birthday/skiing party. Not only were their about half of the current PCV's in Macedonia(35 of 65), there was also 7 volunteers from Albania. And guess what? One of them is from Olympia, WA! What a trip! It was fun to meet them, hang out and make comparisons. It's obvious that life in Albania is more rugged than here. I'd like to visit them this summer.
There's a ski resort outside of Tetovo and a bunch of us went there Saturday morning. My plan was to snowboard, but the conditions and equipment were horrible and I had no luck, so I swapped my board for a sled, went on a couple runs and then managed to hit an embankment zipping down a steep slope and sprained my ankle! And here I was nervous about injuring myself with snowboarding (the last time I went was 3 years ago and badly sprained my wrist).
I've included a photo from the birthday party after hitting the slopes with me, my sprained ankle and fellow friends/PCV's of Macedonia. Don't we look cute?
A former PCV of Macedonia has posted pictures of last summers IST (In-Service Training), which also includes photos of his trip to Albania. Here's the website:
Having the superbowl at midnight makes it such a more crazy affair - something about drinking beer (which seems to go with the superbowl in many people's minds) until four in the morning.
So, a question - what is the male/female ratio of PCVs, if you had to guess? I was looking at your photo, which seemed to skew female, and wondering if that was indicative of (Macedonia/the PC Europe/the PC overall)?
Hi Jill, how are you? I'm fine!!
I'm sorry to hear about your ankle. I, hope it's okay now. It look's and sound's like your having lot's of fun over there? Well you be carefull and I'll see ya.
Generally speaking, in the PC there tends to be more women volunteers than men, which is true in Macedonia. I don't remember the exact number, but I think it is 60/40. However, it also depends on the country. In Albania, for example, it's almost opposite us in the ratio and definately more men than women...and I don't know why that is. Early on in the PC years it was more men than women. And it also was more common to have a volunteer living in the middle of nowhere in a mud hut with no electricity or plumbing. But times are a'changin'. :j
Just got your Rick test. You little stinker!!! Haha. Love you!
Yr sis, Dee
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