Monday, September 18, 2006

A Turn of Events

I can't believe this happened today...I had just stepped outside on my way to school, wasn't looking where I was walking and managed to stumble over the curb and turn my ankle! Arrrgh!

Not only did I sprain my ankle (same one as last February) but I ripped my last pair of jeans in the knees.

Up til now, school has been going OK, but I really want to start my other projects, English club, Drama club and teaching the teachers English. I was planning to start my English club this week, but now I'll have to wait since I must stay home for a few days. Don't worry, I'm using the RICE method religiously (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation).

At least I've got some good movies to watch and books to read!


Anonymous said...

im sorry to hear that hun. I hope your better soon. moriah is doing great by the way lots better. so what size is your tiny butt now anyway maybe i can send you a pair of jeans for a late bday present?? love you lots talkt o you soon

Jesse Warner said...

Oh you guys crack me up! Don't worry, I'll survive with the jeans that I've got now (or get by with something from the market with all the "accessories") and get myself a new pair when I visit home in January.

Ankle is doing better, but I'm still at home taking it easy...and starting to get BORED!