Saturday, October 29, 2016

Thank you DHL

Well, it turned out that the quality of the scanned illustrations was not the best quality, so I had to send the hard copies by courier to the US. Fortunately, I was able to send them via DHL on Thursday and was told that they would arrive on Monday, October 31st. Turns out that it was actually 48 hours from Shanghai to Washington State. I'm also relieved to know that they arrived okay, as these are my original hand-made drawings! It wasn't cheap, but considering the time it saves us, and the personal value of the illustrations, it was worth it. So, the project continues! I don't think I also mentioned that in addition to a paperback edition, there will also be an Ezelweizer e-book. This is all the more reason why the quality of the illustrations is imperative, since the colorful pictures will be the main feature of the book. The two women helping me with the technical side of things are working on a proof copy of my book now, looking at the InDesign layout of the book. The first draft of the book has already been put together. It is a dream come true!

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