Saturday, October 22, 2016

3-week deadline

I've got two other people helping me get my book self-published using's Create Space program. One is currently living in Ireland, the other one is in the US. They brought it to my attention that in order to meet my goal of publishing before Christmas, things need to be completed in 3 weeks. 3 weeks! That's not much time left! So what this meant was getting my hand-drawn illustrations scanned and sent to the lady in the US ASAP. She gave me a list of settings, half of which I was able to figure out with the scanner at work. So on Friday I scanned the drawings and today I emailed them to her. Fingers crossed that the quality will be good enough that I don't have to snail mail her the illustrations! Also the size of the book has been confirmed to be 9 x 7 inches (10 x 7 is my second choice). Stay tuned!

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