Monday, February 12, 2007

Sick in Seattle

This wild and crazy adventure we call life never ends...

I have much to say about my fantastic travel experience in Dubai and Tanzania, which I will at a later time, however, this update is more pressing...

I got some kind of bug in Tanzania and got extremely ill on the plane back to Seattle (Jan 9th). I was taken by ambulance from the plane directly to a hospital once we landed and was in the hospital for four days, high fever, low blood pressure, and stuff coming out of both ends. They really are not sure what I got but blame gastro-enteritis. I was released from the hospital just in time for my sister's wedding (Jan 14th) and I was in a wheelchair for the ceremony. I returned to the ER a week later with a stabbing headache. In the ER they were not sure what was wrong with me and gave me some treatment that did little to stop the pain. They blamed a migraine, but that is not what it was. A few days later I went to a neurologist who diagnosed me with Trigeminal Neuralgia, which is a cranial nerve disorder. It is believed to have been caused by my illness. I am now taking medicine that has stopped the headaches entirely, which has been a blessing. I also had a CT scan and MRI which shows that my brain is normal (hey, proof that I am normal everybody! Ha ha!)

I was supposed to return to Macedonia on Jan 17th, but of course that didn't happen. I am at home, in Seattle now, recuperating and impatiently waiting word from the Peace Corps Medical Office. Unfortunately there is a chance that I will not be able to return to Macedonia. My deadline date for clearance is Feb 24th. The good news is that I'm slowly regaining my strength and energy (I lost almost 20 lbs). So I'm getting back on my feet so to speak and praying that I'll be able to return to Macedonia, at least to finish up the school year. I'll keep you all informed as things progress.

At least it's nice to spend a little more time with my family and my cat.

A thank you to the overwhelming number of people who have been so encouraging, supportive, and have kept me in their thoughts and prayers.


Anonymous said...

hey honey sorry to hear how ill you were please keep me posted ok??? dylan says he loves you and misses you. i hope despite your illness you were able to have fun at the wedding. tell heidi i said congrats. charles says stop getting so damn ill and congrats on hitting up the 7th continent. glad you liked dubai. well give me a call or let me know when your home so that i can call you. what the hell i will try befor echurch. lol talkt o you soon

Anonymous said...

hey hope your feeling better let me know if you get to go back. luv ya lots