Friday, November 07, 2008

"I'm a guest teacher AND a real teacher"

Now in my second month of subbing, I just survived my eleventh day. There are not a lot of sub jobs out there, October was a very slow month. I'm realizing that everything has a domino affect. Due to the economy, there are less jobs, more people subbing and so, less sub jobs to go around. Budgets are tight for many school districts, so less teachers are taking part in professional development, so less sub jobs. Due to the Boeing strike, there are spouses of machinists that normally sub on occasion who now have a need to sub more regularly, therefore, less sub jobs to go get the point.

So for awhile there, the only sub jobs I had were when I was requested, which wasn't much since I hadn't subbed before.

My first day of subbing was for the same class that I did my student teaching with (my teacher moved up a grade and kept most of the same students). They were excited to see me, which was fun, and were surprised to learn that although I am a guest teacher (a nicer term for substitute) I am also a REAL teacher now. This news also surprised a group of high school students I taught this week.

So, I have subbed grade school, a gifted class, middle school science (that turned out to also have a PE class!) and high school special ed.

I am currently subbing in Edmonds, Mukilteo and soon in the Shoreline school district.

I continue to apply for leave replacements, but with no luck. I had one interview last week for a private Catholic school up in Snohomish, but I didn't get the job and that was mainly because I am not Catholic. I am totally OK with not getting the job, the commute would've been tough.

I am now working on my science endorsement, and I'm taking the WEST-E exam next Saturday, the 15th. If/when I pass, I will be "highly qualified" to teach science, which makes me more marketable.

I'm considering pursuing a job in middle school science, so I just need to take a few more science classes, which I can do in the evening at a community college while I'm subbing during the day.

I'm also now tutoring a 6th grade girl in math.

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