Sunday, May 17, 2009

3,000 teachers

May 15th has arrived, the day that the legislature dropped the other shoe down on the school districts and we finally got word on the big issue of funding. It doesn't look good.

The Seattle Times reports that 3,000 teachers statewide are being laid off. These are teachers who typically have 1-3 years teaching experience. This is 3,000 more teachers I am competing with for jobs. The Seattle School District alone has laid off about 175 teachers. Provided, some of these teachers will be re-hired, but that is what I am up against, not including all the newbie teachers like me who are vying for positions and have not been able to get a job yet.

So, I'm looking out of state. I just completed my application for Anchorage and next I'm going to apply to Indiana, where my sister is.

I am trying to mentally prepare myself for another year of subbing. There are pros and cons. If I am subbing, I will continue to work on getting my science endorsement. It is almost like I need another student teaching experience to satisfy all of the competencies for getting a science endorsement. But what I need is to pass the West-E exam as the bare minimum to be hired without the endorsement. This is my second time taking the test (I took it last fall and didn't pass). Now I am taking the General Science exam AND the Biology exam. The day is May 30th. I hope I pass them!

My Cellular Biology class is kicking my butt. I am really struggling to keep up with the reading and the assignments. At this point, I just want to pass. I feel like I'm just trying to keep my head above water, with subbing, my Biology class, applications and somehow having a life in between.

As a side note, I had a fist fight in my class on Thursday, where I was subbing. I'd been in the class before, I know the kids, and I knew there were some words between these two boys (3rd & 4th grade), but I had no idea it would escalate to fists flying. Fortunately I was able to keep my cool on the surface and call for back up, but my heart was racing like crazy for the next half an hour! Both boys were, of course, suspended and I found out this was not the first time they had gotten in a fist fight.

Also, when subbing in middle school the week before I noticed a boy with cuts on his forearms. I sent him to the nurse and later the counselor came in to talk to me about it. It is suspected (and I think most probably) that it was self-inflicted.

One thing about teaching: There's never a dull moment!


Anonymous said...

I hadn't dealt with children in a while until this week, when we had a group of roughly 3rd and 4th graders in for a week long computer camp. They are... exhausting....

I looked into getting my teaching cert recently, but all the new hoops to jump through scared me off. Too bad since my undergrad is in math, and Arkansas (where I'm at now) could really use some math and science teachers....

Jesse Warner said...

Hey Dave,

How'd you end up in Arkansas? I thought you were still in Michigan! Our country is in dire need of good math teachers. Think about it...

Anonymous said...

My wife got a job at one of the colleges down here, and since I wasn't really up to anything too exciting it seemed like a crazy new place to live. I've already added quite a few new words to my vocabulary. I have not however, I think, developed a twang just yet...